
Sunday, August 16, 2009

Getting better all the time

I am not going to lie, the first year of C bugs life was difficult and very different than I had expected. He was tense in everything he did. Driving, eating, you name it, he hated it. The next year was much better and he loosened up around me, but having Jones gone for army training kept him adjusting to new places and people. This year however has been amazing. His smiles have become so genuine and much more frequent. He loves us and shows us that he loves us. He sits on the couch snuggled up next to us and hugs us when he hasn't seen us for a while. He tells us all kinds of stuff about his day and his toys. He is so happy and full of personality. I just love it. Of course he has his moments of independence and difficulty but I am really liking where we are at right now, and can't wait to see what else he reveals to us in the years to come.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Orange Toe nails

So I had a bit of preterm labor on monday and I am on bed rest now with medication to keep the contractions down. I am currently almost 36 weeks along and making it to atleast 37 weeks would be preferrable. I was worried about October but Heavenly Father has put me at ease and I am actually getting excited to see her. Fortunately I am really prepared for her to come and don't have a lot of last minute things to do. I even painted my toe nails, and got my hair cut, and took last trimester pictures so that I would have something to remember these last few days. It has been a crazy 9 months but we are all so happy to welcome you Toby. I can't wait to see you face to face. Your father and I love you so much already. I am so grateful the four of us have each other.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Little girls and free couches

We just made a huge move to Washington from California and we only took with us what we could fit in a mini van. After three years of difficult finincial times and finally having furniture it was a little difficult to say goodbye to it all. Only a week after getting here and one day of garage sales we are now the proud owners of a dining table, 4 chairs, a rocking chair, 4 dressers, 2 side tables/ottomans and a leather couch. All of this for under 80 bucks. The couch was an especially awesome nab because it was free and a group of girls all under 10 helped me load it by themselves into the mini van. It had some broken beams but nothing Jones couldn't fix. I found out it was an Ikea couch and so I went online to see what it would have cost us brand new. The answer was $679!

Overall I feel we have been looked out for and incredibly blessed.