
Saturday, February 27, 2010

Friday, February 26, 2010

Awesome Speakers

In the market for some speakers for our ipod, and can't bring myself to want to buy anything boring when there are beauties like these on the market. The lamp speaker from pottery barn teens is especially awesome and useful. Of course all of these range from $80-$160, probably out of my price range, still a girl can dream.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

In this crazy head of mine

MMM my home smells good, oh there is masking tape on the ceiling, A bath sounds so good, dont want to move though, October is crying so I have to move. I move to get her on the way I think 'I want an ironing board, have no money wait til next month'.. mmm peanut butter cookies sound good right now....I should unpack..

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

They let him fly the plane..

We are home! Finally and glad to be. The apartment smells so good. I am tired and want to be with my husband but just wanted to remember these Classic moments. C saying "this isn't flying, this is falling with style" and the pilot letting him sit in the cockpit during our lay over. Goodnight and see you tommorow.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Old navy is having an awesome sale that ends today so I took the opportunity to buy some adorable things for some nephews of mine
Finn this is for you.

Sick on Vacation

When I first got to CA most of the people around me were sick, what was I to do jump on the plane and head home? So I have been loading up on vitamin C and praying it would pass us by. It didn't. There are so many lovely things I wish I was doing but instead I feel like laying here and hoping Tober doesn't wake up from her nap anytime soon.

There are too many things that need to be made cute for me to be sick right now! grrr

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

C bug getting Valentine cards and Tober eating them
Making Chocolate covered pretzels that look like cars

Helping the pixie shtick make her rosette pillow

J helping with the Dishes, he loves the dish washer

Jones left us to go back to work. Is it sad or truly wonderful that I still miss him after only hours of being apart? All of the extra visitors have gone home so it is going to be kind of quiet here tommorow. Or will it?

Monday, February 15, 2010

California captions

Tober eating real food and going to bed much earlier
Making a gender neutral onesie absolutely girlie( for Biscuit)
Eating at burger town usa with the family, Except Cbob because he wouldn't wake up.
Joanns and Carter shopping with a Prego sis.

JOnes leaves me tommorow and I don't like that so much, but I am glad to be here a little longer. I love my family and I love being in CA but by the time I get home it will be a while til I want to leave again. After all,There is no place like home.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Good Times

This is an airsoft gun and although it looks like it is pointing at the kid it isn't trust me.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy Valentines Day

Aromatherapy Sandlewood and fig Body Oil and matching lotion $30, Victoria secret lingerie $58, A wonderful man to spend Eternity with, Priceless.

Love you JOnes.


I am soaking up the sun here in beautiful CA, and having a blast with my crazy, laugh-a-lot family. Sleep deprived for sure but loving every minute. Here are some highlights:

1.My sisters looking super cute wearing the flowers I made for them.
2. Riding around in the back of my Dad's truck in the desert while all the 3 yr old boys took turns driving and the "men"(older boys) shot airsoft guns at from the moving vehicle.
3. staying up late with the Herricks and talking about their little bun in the oven. We are calling her Biscuit.
4. Telling Pixie Schtick to stop laughing therefore making her laugh that much harder.
5. My Jones buying tulips for all the women this morning.

Ahhh good times, let them keep on coming.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

So much happening..

I have been busy making things for my etsy shop, I am loving having all of these items around my house, but I am also excited about the idea of wrapping them in sweet smelling tissue paper and sending them of for someone else to enjoy.
Meanwhile Tober is practically crawling! She is getting her legs under her and everything, rolling and scooting towards whatever She wants and isn't happy til She gets it.
Also, we leave for CA tommorow, I still feel like it is next week or even further, not TOMMOROW! I can't wait to see my family and show off my little people :)
Lots of packing to do, If I can only stop wanting to make things all day!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Best birthday ever

For my birthday this year Jones took me up to Seattle

On the way I got to open my present, which was wrapped amazingly, as is tradition, Jones always finds amazing ways to wrap my presents.

He gave me a couple of books about sewing and a little dress form he carved out of styrofoam and wrapped in medical bandage. The skirt is made out of money I can use to buy my own dress form!

When we got there he took me to Pike place market, where he bought me flowers (beautiful tulips) and then took me a shop called The Confectional, where they make little cheesecakes that are so good it is sinful. Hands down best birthday cake I have ever had. (although the Ice cream cake mama R made me a couple years ago was pretty awesome too)

At this point I am thinking this is pretty awesome but it doesnt end there. We then walk to a little shop that sell one of my favorite drinks, Malta Goya, and I have been craving this since I didn't get my normal fix at Christmas. Then we sat and watched the sun set over the water before making our way to dinner. After we were thouroughly stuffed we walked it off by taking a stroll to Anthropologie where I bought a few delights for myself.
So fabulous

Then when we got home my in-laws suprised me with a TON more MAlta! I am set now for at least a week ;)

All of this plus a Joann's gift card from Shizilary and you get the Best birthday ever!

Plus I am thinking 23 looks pretty good on me.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


So I am starting my etsy shop back up again and to be honest I am super self consious about it. I keep thinking why would someone want to buy any of this? Which is kind of silly cause I would buy it. I guess I just need to believe in myself a little more.
The things I like are cool and interesting. Just keep saying that to yourself.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


My sister and I are trying to find more Crafts for boy stuff too, not just the wonderful world of girlyness. SO I am in love with these shoes. Fabulous, in such a boy way. Good thing I have so many nephews (7 so far!) Check out Made

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Pillow in Progress

These pictures aren't that great quality but here they are. With some help from Tober ( or lack there of.) I am almost finished with this amazing pillow and thoroughly exhausted.

Time to relax by the fire and watch Lost with my Jones. :)