
Friday, April 30, 2010

Tommorow is the big day, and there is so much to say, far too tired to make sense, so for now Goodnight and tommorow let the wild rompus begin.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thoughts about Moving

Who Needs a vase when you have a tin can?

I have moved a lot in my life so it is a familiar feeling for me. There are parts I like and others...well not so much. This move has been very different though. Much like my pregnancy with October the waiting part was misery but now that it's game on, I am in my zone and getting things done. In the past our moves have been unsure, sometimes scary, usually to a completely different setting{and State}. We would end up leaving or selling a majority of our stuff, and starting all over in a new place. This time we are moving a mile away. Everything is coming with us. Not much will change. It's exciting and weird.
Ever since I started My Challenge and spent hours scavenging my house for things to use to make a chandelier I have been saving every glass jar, every tin can, and ever piece of cardboard I have. My eyes have been opened to a world of "recycling" I never saw before. I have never even been able to hold onto my furniture let alone a box full of cardboard. It is pretty awesome.
I love that I am able to ride the same decorative theme in my new place and keep it up long enough to see where I was going with it, instead of being cut off by my move. I am getting comfortable in my own shoes and starting to live a life style I love. My house is starting to feel like My Home.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My Attempt

Yesterday in between a playdate and grocery shopping I whipped up this little dress. I have a million things I could have done during that time but I have had this dress in my head ever since I bought fabric and didn't want to lose the image.

I did not have a pattern so I simply used the knowledge I have gained from using patterns to make other items and as much sewing sense as I have, and prayed it would be wearable in the end. I love it. I am a little afraid of wearing it because I think it is more of a statement than I usually make but I am trying to conquer that fear. What better way than by wearing my own creations!?It is still a work in progress, I just have to put the finishing touches on, once I do I'll see if haha will take some pics for me again :)

I could do a tutorial if anyone thought it was worth it. It definately isn't a 20 minute skirt but don't let that scare you! And just so you know the plaid fabric cost me 99 cents at Goodwill and the grey knit on top cost me 1.75 at walmart in the scraps bin! With thread you are looking at a $3 dress!

Monday, April 26, 2010

The Brass Razoo { a dream to aspire to}

Amber Fischer may be a fantastic photographer but even I couldn't make this shop look bad. It is called the Brass Razoo and I want to go to there. I found it by looking up frame inspiration and this blue frame is pretty much what I want to use to display my jewelry and hair items here at home. I'd be lying if I didn't admit to wanting to one day run a little shop like this, maybe after my kids are grown and I have refined my skills. Something to dream about

Quite the Weekend, Quite the week

My weekend was full of good times and good food, and poor picture taking. I forgot to take pictures of my baby shower gifts :( so I am going to have to get someof those still. I did however get a few shots of my nephews.

It was fun to be there with them and celebrate these 2 little boys. Both of these Ladies constantly inspire and amaze me and teach me so much about the way I want to be a Mother in this day and age. It was fun to watch as they got fuzzy cloth diapers and other fabulous homemade oils and other gifts that truly represented the kind of hippie chic women that they are.

I was very blessed with the family I have and equally blessed with the family I married into. Love ya guys.

TOday the plan is to get excited about moving, have a playdate for C, anxiously await my husband as He gets home from work and just enjoy my family and our last 5 days in this apartment!

Note of encouragement to self: You sold 2 Items on Etsy yesterday! You are legit. in fact you are too legit to quit, so keep it up, you love it and it is worth it. Bam.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Wisdom at Archibald Sisters

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” ~ Reinhold Niebuhr

I saw this quote while passing through Archibald Sisters {a fabulous shop in Downtown Olympia}and I thought that it sounded a lot like my prayers I say everyday. I tend to want to control everything in my life, or at least I used to. I am getting better at going with the flow of my life. It helps having 2 kids they force you to go slower sometimes. I used to never start a project I couldn't finish that day and now I go from crafts, to kids, to cleaning, to phone calls with family, back to crafts, to cooking, to kids, to husband and back to crafts and often end my day with as much to do tommorow as I started with. I am thankful to be getting older and learning more about myself and my ability to grow and become a strong Mother, Wife and Woman. The kind of person I always wanted to be, and for the blessing of having people who love and support me even if I am not there yet.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Request numero 5

Today I have been on slow mode. The house is cleaner than it has been in a little while and I really don't want to do anything that would change that. Pip took my kids and I to a play group this morning so I dont feel so bad just having a lazy stay in pajamas day.

I did however complete a Bib Necklace For Julie. Ta da!

As you can see I meant what I said about pajamas, I haven't made any attempt to be cute today. I do like that you can see my wrist pin cushion, I almost left the house with it on yesterday, it's the best.

So Julie let me know if it is what you had in mind, if it isn't I'll try again :)

Hilbilly is coming over to make Ba-nana bread with me. yums so I guess this is ta ta for now.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


The past couple of days everyone in my family has had symptoms of the flu. Sniffles and coughs have surrounded me and I thought to myself PlEASe don't let me get sick the week I move. I hate the flu, what could be worse. I found out. The female flu, the one I have avoided for a year and a half due to pregnancy and what not, in all of its evil glory. I am Doomed.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I'm Leaving, On A Jet Plane..

Why is it that whenever my kids do anything adorable I am always too late to catch it in video? C just had a phone call with his 4 yr. old cousin PH and it went something like this:

C- "oh Ph What you doing coming on an airplane to California? Oh! I really miss you, now I sad..." then C puts the phone down to stop Tober from getting his trains. When he realizes he did this the conversation continues.
" Oh I am sorry to you. I miss you in California"
Ph-" I am coming in the morning on an airplane with Grandma to get you and then you can come and play" Then he realized I was listening and told me to put Clark back on.

They continued like that for a while until C accidently hung up on him and then not so accidently threw the phone in his suitcase and closed it.

Love the free entertainment that is my 3 yr. old.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Monday, Monday

I woke up this morning ready to start packing. The weekend started kind of roughly, October kept us up really late Friday and then I dreamt about being able to pack without the kids so when I woke up Saturday I left the house and with my wondeful fam as a distraction managed to go all weekend without either stressfully packing or resenting my children because I couldn't get anything done. Unfortunately now it is Monday and I am having a hard time finding my crafts or anything else interesting enough to keep my mind from drifting towards packing. If this keeps up we are going to be all packed and ready to move by friday. Maybe that wouldn't be all bad.


I have also been so busy I forgot to post that my Brother and his Wife just had their baby!
A beautiful baby girl, who has had some troubles already and is in the NICU, looks like she will be going home tommorow, I hope. Not really sure if I meantioned it before but I currently still have 4 sisters/in-law pregnant and expecting in the next few months. Apparantly I am the only woman in my family not pregnant. In fact this Sat. is a baby shower for Pip and Hilbilly so I am going to be busily making baby boy gifts for the two of them, yay, I'll post pictures of said gifts next week, wouldn't want to spoil the surprise.

Friday, April 16, 2010

'Tis the Season, Of Garage Sales!

I love Garage Sale season, especially here is Washington. Everyone is cooped up all winter and when the weather finally gets good hidden treasures are sold on the streets super cheap. It's fantastic. So I just wanted to do a little post about the kind of things I like to look for.

Old ugly Ornate frames.

My sister got this one at a garage sale for only $4, She took it home and spray painted it a fantastic green and Voila! I want one of these so bad, so I will definately be on the hunt for something like this.

Old suitcases

I love old suitcases, they can be used for lots of things. In my house I currently own 3. One is used as a side table for remotes. Another is used as a toy chest in our family room, and the last is used to keep all of C's trains and tracks. 2 of these were under $5 and one was free.

vintage goblets
I really wanted some of these last year but I had to let them go, this year if I find any they are coming home with me. Also any mason type jars are good finds. I want to use them as pen holders and vases.


Retro furniture
I was always afraid of Upholstering furniture but you know it's not that hard and it the best way to get Retro furniture, without the hefty price tag. Like this rocking chair I believe was $30 {my mother-in-law picked it up for me so I am not sure} and the fabric about $15. And for those of you who don't sew you can do this with just a staple gun and some tacs. I reattatched the arms also, just didn't get a picture of that.

Garage Sale season is in the air, I love it!

Sore Legs, totally worth it.

Yesterday I tried to clean the house. Yesterday I tried to pack. Yesterday I tried to finish an Apron and the letter G. Yesterday I gave up and grabbed the kids, stuck them in my double stroller and went to the park.

The Kids just would not stop making this awful whining sound until we stepped out into the sun. That's right there was sun, enough that my skin has that tight feeling like its almost sunburned but not quite. I wasn't sure where I was going when I left the house but I had no intention of walking back {J0nes would be home in 2 hours so I would have a ride} this made it easier for me to walk up and down the very steep hills that surround where I live. I don't go on as many walks as I would because of these hills. Our new Townhouse is only about a mile away so I decided I'd go by and try and take some measurements and then check out the elementary school that is on the corner. I look forward to living there because it is less hill-y and the park was awesome.

It was fun. I actually got to sweat, the kids quietly enjoyed nature and the smell took me back to many childhood memories of going camping with my family. These days the closest memories kids have of camping is Camp Rock on the Disney Channel. I look forward to better weather and the opportunity to take my little ones camping for the first time. I think it is really good for kids to have an appreciation of the outdoors, for me it was always the one place I could not doubt there was a God. In ancient times mountains were temples and I can completely understand why, being there, surrounded by his creations, that is where I feel his presence the strongest.

Today is going to be a busy day for me. I have the car which means there is grocery shopping to be done. Maybe I will work on more of the projects but no promises. It is Friday, it's going to be a good day.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My CardBoard Chandelier Request #4

I had a hard time with the chandelier. Not with making it but with coming up with a design using stuff I had around the house. Then Jones suggested that I make it out of cardboard and drew me a little example {I love having a very manly yet Artsy husband} and voila! Just like that the chandelier came to life.

First I drew these shapes onto a cardboard box. I didn't need a big box and the tallest piece is only about a foot tall. After I did the first one I just used that to trace the other pieces, that way I made sure they were the same size.
The 2 circles hold the sides together, and you can just cut your hole to fit your lightsource. I used an Ikea cord (only $3.99)
Then I primed the pieces with white paint so that the spray paint would stick and show up well.
After a couple coats of spray paint and a couple of hours for drying, I added some princess jewelry and Christmas ornaments. I am actually not quite done adding jewels but I just couldn't wait to post this awesome Chandelier. I love it!
I already have an idea in my head for a Mod one I want to make using pieces shaped like this to make a ball.

So here you go Julie, hope you like it!

P.s. As for the fire hazzard Jones and I both looked up the dangers and found that it would be as unlikely to start a fire with this as it would any other lamp shade. As long as it is not touching the bulb there is no problem.

To ease any fears I have cut the cardboard to be even furthur from the bulb and will post a picture soon. However if you are still not comfortable with it I understand. Safety is most important, even before design. :)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I just wanted to let all of you out there who read or write blogs know how thankful I am for you. It is really nice to know that even when I haven't talked to an adult all day and my kids are driving me a little crazy, that there are people out there who can entertain, encourage, inspire and appreciate me. So whether you are a Reader or a Writer, thank you, you make my day.

Goodwill Treasures

Yesterday was spent cleaning and packing, I wanted to take a break from my projects because I find that it does me some good to step back every once and a while and look at what I am making. It helped, I figured out 3 of the projects and I am very ready to continue today.
When I went out for groceries I snuck into Goodwill to see if I could find something to make my chandelier around and I did, but thats not all I found. I also got 3 huge pieces of fabulous fabric for 99 cents each! I am so excited to work with them. I love a good steal.

Monday, April 12, 2010


As I was searching the web for inspiration for the Chandelier I am going to make, I didn't find anything like what I wanted to make but I did find these little deliciosos.

Like this Chandelier made by Alaska Crafter.

Or this Chandelier made by A Penny Saved

And perhaps my favorite because of how hard core the tutorial is and I can completely imagine seeing this at Anthropologie, this Mason Jar Chandelier by Made to Create.

I am impressed by what can be done when you put your mind to it. I think later today I am going to go to Goodwill and see if I can find any goodies that will help me in creating some of my craft Challenges!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Pink Lemonade

About a week ago I attempted to make a skirt using this fanastic vintage fabric my mother-in-law gave me. It turned out kind of funny so I made it into this skirt for Tober.

Then I woke up this morning and realized that I didn't have much to wear other than maternity skirts that fall off me so using Disney's 20 minute skirt tutorial I made one for myself as well.

I call it "Pink Lemonade". Disney also did a lemonade skirt, which is fabulous, I told her great minds think alike :) I too am a tall girl, and I like my modesty so these adorable t-shirt dress that are all over stores just are never quite right for me. Gotta love Disney and her genius Ideas.

Dinner tonight was the ever reliable Spaghetti and October even joined in on the eating. This was her first time eating real people food with me so Ofcourse I have to document the occasion.

I sure do Love Sunday dinner with the family.

2 Houses

So here they are both finished and ready for some serious play time. I made ours a little more gender neutral so that both my kids could play with it, Although I have the feeling October is going to want her own when she gets older.
I think I might make a bigger one that is a Red barn and make little felt animals to live in it. Possibly that can be the kids Christmas present this year, that will give me plenty of time to make it:)





3. THE LETTER G fOR casey






9.NECKLACE FOR pixie shtick


11.SKIRT FOR hilary

12.??BLOCK QUILT FOR hana??

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Request # 3

Today I spent making the most adorable little dollhouse. A gal named Rachel asked me to make one from this Tutorial made by Uk Lass in the US. I didn't follow the tutorial exactly because I used materials I already had, For example I used cereal boxes to hold up the structure and fleece instead of batting. it turned out pretty darn cute if I do say so myself, I'll put it this way, my son wont stop playing with it, not even long enough for me to take a good picture! I actually started making one for him as well, So hopefully he will love it just as much.
SO here you go Rachel, A dollhouse just for you.