
Friday, July 30, 2010

Cotton Candy By hAha and TheSpanishLady

I am going to let you in on a secret, I made this Striped wrap dress almost 3 months ago, so why the delay in pictures?

When I bought the fabric I instantly thought Carnival! I knew we couldn't just go outside and snap pictures anywhere
I am so glad we waited for Olympia's Lake Fair, because it provided us a great and inspiring backdrop.

{I look like a paper doll in these ones, which is uber fun}
When hAha called and said the Fair was going on I had just gotten back from Cali and as tired as I was we dragged ourselves out there.

The whole time I couldn't help but smile It was so great to be back in action with hAha
Teamwork, man, it makes a dream work.  ; )

And isn't her editing amazing! By far my favorite of our collaboritive works.
Worth the wait.

This image above was a particularly fun spot, infront of the house of mirrors. It played Mardi Gras music, and just had the perfect not forced old school vibe.
Mustaches are so coming back.

 This last picture is actually one of my favorites, Leaving, shoes off, eating the rest of the Cotton Candy, If this was my job I would have the best job in the world. Oh wait I do, because when all was said and done I got to go home to my beautiful babies and husband.

Creating life and fun and beauty, {What!}

Happy Carnival Season Everyone.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Sleep deprived

My 3 year old has decided that it is "Hard to sleep." his exact words, and has woken up during the night everynight for the past week. At first it is just a quiet whimper followed by getting out of bed, us trying various techniques of disciplining, comforting, trying to talk to him about it, only to result in him screaming kicking the ceiling, thereby waking up his sister and then having 2 babies to take care of.
I feel like I am at my end. I don't know how to deal with this. Any suggestions?

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Anthropologie style headband Tutorial

Today I woke up and was craving Anthro. Since it is too far away and I probably can't afford it right now anyway I went to there online shop to just look. That is when I decided to make my own little Anthro today.

Inspired by this headband

First thing I did was pul out my hot glue gun, some felt and some cream colored muslin.

Then I cut 3 circles {a little bigger than an oreo} from the felt and 3 strips of fabric {about 16in long 4in wide}
Then I pinched the end of the fabric and glued it the center of the felt circle.

Then you simple twist and glue as you go until you completely cover your felt.
Alternate between tight and loose twisting to give it a less uniformede look.
when you get to the end glue the fabric to the underside.

Next take some elastic or a headband and glue your rosettes to the elastic
for extra strength security and softness cut 3 mor felt circles and glue them to the back side over the elastic.
*I had originally intended to make them all the same size but liked the look of 3 different sizes so I simply cut them to size as I went.

And ta da my newest headband.

 It is not as elegant as the Anthro one but then neither am I so it suits me just fine!

This literally took me about 15 minutes to make, it cost close to nothing and would be super cute in a small floral  print fabric, stripe or polka dots, hmmm maybe thats what I will have to make next.

P.s. Ok now that I have thought of it I have to show you hAha's version of the rosette headband that she made earlier this year.
You can also see it up close and pretty on her Blog title. Hers are braided all pretty using 3 different fabrics, same concept, different method, uber cute!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Lots of things going on right now, though most of them seem too insignificant to comment on. Earlier this week hAha came over with her sewing machine and I got to try it out as we worked on a new swing cover. It felt so foreign to me since her machine is a good decade or two newer than mine. Sometimes I wish my machine was simply more than it is and other times I can appreciate its loud rough hum, and enjoy the vinatge brown and cream with just a touch of color. And just the fact that it works and was a gift makes it special to me.

Jones is taking some time off next month and we are going to spend it camping. Planning this trip has occupied my thoughts while I have worked on a chandelier someone bought from my etsy shop. Overall this week has been easy going which is great cause I have needed the break. We made a batch of French onion soup on saturday and I have been enjoying it everyday since. :) We also devoured a $10 bag of cherries in one day. Spent an afternoon riding bikes as a family. Simple random thoughts, compiled together make me smile and realize my life is good.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Whistle while you work..

Too bad I don't know how to whistle. :) Today I {finally}did the dishes and swept the floors. It felt great! I also scrubbed down our table, {it was starting to grow in size!! gross} Moments after doing this C turned it into a tent {when isn't he making a tent!}
This poor table could use some TLC, this leg isn't screwed in and my kids are constantly kicking it out. I think I shall have to come up with a plan for this table.

As for C and his tents I think some cheep sheets and a version of the Lemon Squeezy fort are in order!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

DAte night going Old school

Anyone who knew me when I was a freshman knows that mismatching was a specialty of mine. I was tired of being known by how I looked. Or being judged strictly by what was on the outside. Really I was still hiding behind clothes. Now I embrace my body as a billboard for who I am, because I actually know who I am now. So this is my grown up version of who I wish I was then.

I love the wonderfully summery colors and the mix of stripes with floral.
I whipped it up real quick, and think I may add more embellishment to the shoulder when I have more time.

 Sorry the pictures aren't wonderful, YAy for one day outfits!!
The skirt was made with a simple pillow case, and some stolen elastic from an old pair of pajama bottoms!
Follow this simple RufflesandStuff Tutorial.

For the shirt I didn't have a pattern so I had to draw it by hand {hard}
I had the fabric folded down the center so that both sides would be a mirror iamge of the other. I cut out 2 of both the front and the back because I wanted to leave my edges raw and I though t the 2 layers together would make a nice ruffly effect.
This is the shape I used for the sleeve.
I don't know that you can tell from the pictures but I did a simple straight stitch along all the edges but I did not hem any of them.
Then I simply cut about 8 2 layered strips and did a straight stitch down their center, one after another to create the ruffled look on the shoulder.

And now the Kids need my attention. more later...

Fabric and more..

Yesterday on his way home from work Jones picked up a beautiful and wonderful bike trailer! I am so excited to be able to go on bike rides as a family. First we had to go to Walmart though to get so tires and helmets for the kids. While I was there I saw that they had some great fabric on sale and between the stripes and the colors I couldn't resist!

I also found these beautiful floral sheets at a garage sale, I think they are going to be made into beautiful {maybe matching} dresses for me and my daughter.

I can feel the creative juices starting to flow again!

Monday, July 19, 2010

New hair

I need a hair cut. I love the length of my hair, but the shapeless blob I am hiding behind has to go.! ASAP!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

White Biscuit

Precious little girl.
You are so very lucky, you have amazing parents and about a billion aunts, uncs and cousins who love you!

Good to be...

I arrived yesterday evening and was so happy and so content that it was all I could do to keep my eyes open adn not pass out on the couch. I knew I was safe that my kids were being looked after, and sleep would not stay away. Bugs and Tober each had there way of expressing how much they missed Jones and our house. After dinner We let C watch a show or to, and Tober simply crawled around squeling in glee. Jones laid down on the floor enjoying having us there. Bugs took his pillow and laid down next to him slowly inching closer until he had Jones arm in his, and Tober could barely stay away so kept going to crawl on top of them both.

This morning I woke up to a cool and crisp house. Right now I am just taking it all in. Later I think Jones and I are going to make the rounds and see everyone wev'e missed. Until then it is PJ's for me and old episodes of  So you Think You Can dance!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Only hours left...

Yesterday was an awesome day, I was surprised by most of my siblings coming over to my parents house to hand and watch the All Start game. We ate good food, ran through water with the kids, and nearly forgot I only had one more day til I saw my husband again. Now there are only a few hours left until I Leave for the airport. The mix of exhaaustion and excitement is making me dizzy!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Goodbye Disney

At the beginning of this year I was starting my quest to learn to sew. I had finally gotten a sewing machine, and all I really lacked was the faith to believe in myself. That was until my older sister sent me a link to RufflesandStuff. When I saw Disney's beautiful blog my mind {and heart}was opened. I realized that 1. there are other women out there just like me, and 2. That the interenet was a huge resource to learn and grow from. When I look back now and realize how little time it has been I laugh and think why didn't I start this earlier.

Now Disney is leaving our little blogging world and I feel like I have lost a friend. I will miss how much I was inspired by her blog, and although Her creativity is amazing that wasn't what kept me coming back, or why she had close to 5000 followers!! Her spirit, openess, passion, and compassion for the people she blogged with is what kept me coming back. I am so thankful to have seen this glimpse into her life, however brief.

Her leaving has come at an interesing time for me since I have been considering making my blog a private one. I worry I would miss you all too much.
I am not sure what I will do, perhaps split the personal from the crafts, although I am not sure I can do this because my crafting experience has been really personal to me.

We shall see, so much to think about, I can't wait to come home. I have missed my Washington.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

lazy Sunday

Today was a hot day. Today was a lazy day. I spent hours on the couch in my parents library watching Anne of Green Gables. Today was a good day. {a vey HOT good day}