
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Welcome New Friends!

I just wanted to say Hi! I know there are some new comers to the blog and I didn't want you to think you had gone unnoticed. On the contrary now I remember that people actually read my blog which creates a little bit of nervousness for me since I haven't been a very productive lady lately. :(

On a side note, I have been doing more Fashion runway reports and I have a new love for a designer named Sonia Rykiel. I had never recieved any criticism in my class until I did a post about this designer's spring collection when I got the feedback, "Personalized, great job." Good to know my professor knows I exist!

                               Sonia Rykiel Spring 2011

Friday, October 29, 2010

His face in the Mirror

 When it came time the other night for me to paint C silver her wsa very hesitant. He is always the skeptic and I had to reassure him that it washed off, that it was kind of like make up just like Mommy wears and see I am ok, then finally "You can't go trick or treating if you wont wear your costume and this is part of your costume"
 Of course once we got it on him and he looked in the mirror he thought it was the coolest thing ever. I asked him if He wanted me to help him get down and he replied, no I just want to keep looking at myself. I'm the Tin man!

 Poor Tober Slammed Her hand in a door as we were getting ready and was never quite the same. She wasn't very cooperative with Photos.Still she had fun and loves her candy bucket.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Halloween Party

We are going to a couple Halloween parties this year so prepare for a lot of Pictures!
 Call me old fashioned but I loved making our costumes this year. We didn't make everything. I didn't go crazy craft lady and whip out 6 Wizard of Oz outfits, I am not feeling nearly that well. However we did make what we could and it was a fun Family effort. I made Jones make C bugs Tin man body because I knew he would do an awesome job.
 This is a picture of C bugs perfectly silver hair, too bad the moment you touched it silver flakes flew everywhere!
 Still the affect was awesome.
 C's cousin T-pants was the Scarecrow
 Little Cus was the Cowardly Lion {This was the only moment he cried all night, such a chill kid}
 And the lovely Tober Cake was Dorothy.

Pipsta rocked the wicked witch of the west.

 I looked like a tooth fairy but it was atleast an attempt to look like Glinda.

My wonderfully creepy husband.

It was a really fun night and I am so glad we get to do stuff like this as a family. I am glad my kids get to experience this stuff with their cousins and I hope that we see many more Halloweens just like this.
For some reason my computer is not allowig me to upload photos onto blogger right now. Which is really too bad because last night we went to a Halloween party and took lots of pictures. Boo. I guess I will have to post them later.

Friday, October 22, 2010

I happen to have two awesome Little Sisters, and although they are as grown up as I am {kind of :)} I will always think of them as "Little"sisters. This weekend one of them came to visit me which was exactly what I needed right now.

We had only a few days and two kids to drag around town with us, but it was a lot of fun. Some of our excursions include the Farmer's Market, the Mall, seeing Life As We Know It, going to the pumpkin patch and checking out Seattle.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Family Holidays and Midterms

I have been craving the Holidays all month. The cold weather outside is perfect for wearing coats and hats and going to the pumpkin patch with a hot cup of cocoa. Too bad all of us H's up here have been sick and seen too little of each other. I miss family. Good thing my Little sis is coming to visit for a couple of days. Well good thing for me, too bad for her, her sister is a boring sick lady.

This week is Midterm week and I am praying for a miracle.

Date night tonight, can't wait.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Disney at the Park

 This January my sister introduced me to a blog called RufflesandStuff because we were both learning to sew and Craft and this blog had caught her attention. It not only caught my attention but won over my heart. Disney {the blog owner} was a creative genius and as sweet and wonderful as can be. Her crafts made me push my creative side leading me to where I am now. Through reading her Blog and writing letters back and forth I have found her to be an incredibly genuine and caring person.
Although we both live in the great state of WA we don't live close but Disney happened to be near my Husbands work this week and were able to meet in person! You could call it a crafter gathering but it was more like a bunch of Mom's enjoying their kids at the park. It was awesome. Although I am Mrs. Awkward when it comes to things like this what made it easy is that She is the same person you get on the blog. I felt like we were just old friends meeting up and saying hi and I would love to do it again sometime.

 Her darling Paige pushing October.

Afterwards we met with Jones at his work for Lunch it was a really great day.
Beautiful weather and Awesome people.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


In my relationship with my husband we have spent a lot of time apart because of his work. Various lengths of time and for various reasons and everytime it has been hard and everytime I have been surpirised with my ability to go it alone. I thought that with time our being apart would become easier, not because I loved him less, but beacause we were older, "maturer". I have found the opposite to be be true. I see him less now that we have 2 {and 1/2} kids and stable consistant workinghours. The time we have together has become more precious than ever. Therefore taking it away hurts more.I hope that nobody reading the last Post got the impression that I resented my Jones for going hunting. I love that he actually gets a chance to do something for him. Over the last few years I have seen some of his passion and fire for life dimming and Him getting a chance to do this type of thing brings that back.

Over the last month I have seen my husband so little that I actually go to bed wanting to write him a letter, even though He is lying right beside me. This made me think of when He was in basic training and all the letters we wrote to each other and kept, so last night at 11, just after the kids finally went to bed I went downstairs and pulled out the letters. They reminded me of who We are. That we love each other and always have. I read a lot of things that reminded me that Jones has always been proud of me, which may sound like a small thing but it means the world. Our relationship is based on unconditional love and faith. Remembering these things brought my life into perspective again. I may be miserable right now, but that is my trial. Pregnancy always has been. But my blessing far out way my cons. I am so grateful for My husband. I am also grateful I am pregnant. I will also be grateful when Jones gets back tonight and We can eat the roast I am making together as a Family.

 "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. "

John 14:27