
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

We made it!

 Washington, we miss you.
Before we left we had a nice farewell BBQ with the family. It was nice to get to be all together.
C and Tober loved staying at Bopa and Nana's. I guess Alfred did too since he got to be held and loved so much.

We took off on time, which I thought was pretty awesome with 3 kids, but the truck we rented from Budget {horrible experience by the way} needed oil, like really needed, so that set us back about an hour and a half. We ended up stopping in Oregon a little earlier than planned. I couldn't drive any longer and checked into a hotel.
 The kids seemed to mostly enjoy the experience, and I was really excited to take the kids to the pool.
 Then it was back on the road again, another long day, but finally at about 10 pm we got to Provo.

I am such a mixed bag of emotions.

I am so thankful for the opportunity I had over the last 2 years to be close to The H family. I was blessed with the best sisters in law, hAha and Pipsta have been there for me through all the ups and downs of the last 6 years. You have made me feel loved and appreciated, and your support and encouragement has meant the world to me. 
Plus you guys are just fun, and easy to be around. :)

Moms and Pops, We can't say enough how much we love you guys,  and all the help you give our small family. You give everything you have for your children and are the perfect example of unconditional love and sacrifice.  There is nothing more fun than seeing you love my children, and they sure love ya back. 

And the nephews T pants, Cus cus, and Finner, I am so sad I won't be around to see you guys grow and give you sloppy aunt kisses. I look forward to the summer trips and reunions that we will for sure make happen, so you guys will grow up knowing your cousins.

much love, and goodbye, for now.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

no good at saying goodbye...

As if I weren't emotional already I get on the computer and see hAha and Pip's goodbyes on their blogs. 

We just got into the hotel halfway between home and, well new home I guess. 
more to come, along with my goodbye to WA, and all the people I love and left there.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Moving with three kids believe it or not is kinda hard. 
Yesterday afternoon the kids were starting to pick on each other and the sound of crying and whining was turning my brain to mush. It didn't help that it was about 80 degrees inside the house. Alfred was sleeping finally and I needed to pack so I remembered something Jones had said the night before about taking the kids out in the backyard and letting them play with some bowls and water.
So I decided to fold laundry and pack clothes in the laundry room so the kids could play outside. 
Suddenly the world went from chaos to calm and productive.

When I finished with the clothes I grabbed some popsicles and side walk chalk and sat outside with the kids.
Jones arrived just in time to join us. 
It was nice. 
Today is another hot crazy day. 
Dinner with the H crew tonight, looking forward to it. :)

 Did I mention Tober is teething? yeah not fun.
Whenever we do her hair like this she reminds us of Boo from Monsters Inc.
Last 2 pics thanks to C :)

Big thank you to everyone who is helping me, with food and babysitting. I literally could not do it with out you!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Doodle # 2

Mama R since you loved the first one so much this is for you. :)

Cartoon C

The awesome adventures of my favorite 4 year old!

Last night Jones sat down with Bug and doodled this picture of him. I love the way He captured all of his nuances, like the way his hair sticks up in the back, and the way he holds his arms.
I think it was really fun for C to see his Daddy do something he loves to do everyday, color!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Green House

We got to live here all of 4 1/2 months.
It has been an excellent 4 1/2  months.
Here are a few pictures to remember it by.

 { So You Think You Can}


"You can learn a lot of things from the flowers...

Especially in the month of June"
-Alice in Wonderland

One of the things I am going to miss are my flowers. This place has been landscaped beautifully and I just love  the assortment.
I get a great deal of peace from nature and I feel that this has been a huge blessing. 
This house has definitely by far been my favorite place we have ever lived.
It feels like mine even though it is only a rental. I wish we could take it with us. :)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Trying to pack with a one month old who thinks he must be held at all times is hard.
Trying to pack with a 21 month old who thinks she can climb up everything, get into anything and spread food all over the house : exhausting.
Watching my four year old turn into a couch potato from all the tv watching makes me sad.
My attempt at being a Mom and flying kites in the backyard ends disastrously because Alf won't stop crying, and C is too excited to listen, keeps getting himself tangled, and all I can do is get after him in frustration and eventually give up and go back inside. Poor kid. Good thing his dad took played with the outside when he got home.

Today the baby woke up an hour or two before I was ready for consciousness.
The kids aren't awake yet, which is good cause I don't feel ready to change the diapers, and clothes and get breakfast ready. Especially since Alf will probably cry the whole time. 

I am hungry, but my body doesn't want to get out of bed to find food. Alfy is warm and he makes me sleepy.

Must think of a way to make today a good day.

Monday, June 13, 2011

"Well It's Groundhog day...again"

"Blah, Ba Blah Ba blah.. There is no way that this winter is *ever* going to end as long as this groundhog keeps seeing his shadow. I don't see any other way out. He's got to be stopped. And I have to stop him."

This Line is what popped into my head when I tried to figure out what to say. 

We are moving...again. :)

Heading out to the good ol' state of Utah, to pursue educational opportunities for Jones. I am excited and sad. Mostly excited, I think the sad will come later, but right now it can hide in the back of my mind.

I am gonna miss the H Family crew :) I am gonna miss my moss covered hippie town. But I look forward to the possibilities in front of us, and being closer to my little sisters. 

I am hungry so I am going to go eat before the Childrens wake.

Friday, June 10, 2011

My Good Samaratin

Yesterday I went to the park with Pip and her kids. It was so great to get out after a long sick week. 
As my first time to a park or walking that far with all 3 kids I thought it went really well.
After I left however I found out that I had lost my wallet at the park. Not Good. I was so mad. I feel like I can't seem to handle the little hiccups of life lately.
What I didn't realize then is that a woman found my wallet. She used it and called my bank to report finding it, but the genius who took her call didn't get a name and number for me to call her back. That didn't stop her. She found our appointment card for Tober's Echo cardi today and called them to let them know She had found my wallet. This time we got a name and number!
She left the wallet at her church for me to pick up when I had the chance.
As if returning the wallet wasn't enough the sweetheart wrote me a note, that said..

 "I don't think it was an accident that it was my kids who found your wallet... I am convinced there is a God who loves you so  much he worked it out that way just so that He could remind you he's here for you and watching out for you. - Fawn"

Sometimes it is so easy to see the bad in the world but every once in a while you meet someone like Fawn and you see there is good too. 
Her sweet effort touched me, and I am so grateful for this reminder that I am not alone.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Long time no see

Oh Hello Blog.
Long time no see, thats because we have all been sick with the Stomach flu over here. 
It has been awful, but finally we seem to have made it through.
So I am back. Sort of.
I feel good today, but I am still resting since being sick took quite a toll on my body. 
The house is crazy, the kids are crazier.
So of course when I had a free moment I decided not to clean or sleep, but paint a picture of my niece of course!
{i know I am nuts}
Biscuit turns one next week and I thought a portrait would be a lovely way to celebrate.

I am a little self conscious about it. 
not quite sure why but it is probably because I come from a family of some pretty amazing painters and I don't usually paint like this.

I keep thinking 'I should add a little something here, or change this and that...'
but I probably shouldn't I should just let it be.
She is such a beautiful baby girl and I love her.

now to rock this crying baby to sleep so I can stop Tober from destroying everything, and then watch more TV on Netflix. Hopefully it won't be another week til my next post. :)