
Monday, January 30, 2012

Today I feel determined

I want to DO today. 
Do what? I don't know but I am determined to do it.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


This weekend has been full of excitement, on Friday our car lost a piece and we couldn't fix it til Monday, so we were car-less until then which wasn't a big deal,
Then on Sunday Jones and I picked up a stomach bug, that is still lingering.
Today we woke up to find out that a recurring plumbing issue is back in full swing.
{ by issue I mean our basement sometimes floods when we flush the toilet, take baths/showers, do Laundry or wash the dishes, no biggie though :)} 

Since I was feeling better I decided I would go play volleyball last night, which was super fun, and I performed really well, however this morning I woke up with severe muscle cramps in my leg. I guess I am dehydrated. They started in my leg and are spreading to my shoulder. What fun :)
C's birthday bash is tomorrow, hopefully nothing else will happen to me between now and then.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Good Morning.
It is a {dark} and early 6:30 and I am preparing to take Tober to get an Echo at the hospital here. Nothing big just a check up since she had Kawasaki's in April last year. Can it really have been that long ago? where did the time go?
We spent the day yesterday going to Ikea with my mom, just for looking, and then came back to her house to spend the night. It is so nice having her close and being able to do this. It feels like a mini vacation.
Plus now the boys can stay with her while we take Toby to the hospital.
Jones has had a lot of time off at work, which is a blessing and a curse. I love the family time, but hate the constant fear in my mind that we wont be able to make bills this month because of it. He feels it too and woke up yesterday and cleaned the kitchen and made indian food to "make up for it" The poor guy works so hard and misses us so much and then when he does get to spend time with us gets the joy of guilt and stress. Damned if you do, Damned if you don't, I guess.
Well it is about time to go, wish us luck.

Everything went great, 
the nurses and doctors were fantastic and we walked away with a drowsy little girl with a clean bill of health.

She won't need another check up for 3-5 years, and as long as she lives a heart healthy life, she will be just fine.
I think we could all use a heart healthy life.
Love you girly.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Take me to the moon

Just a quick trip to mars and then right on back to the moon.

Just after Christmas we packed up the kids and took them to Salt Lake to go to a real shopping complex so Jones could get me my annual gift from Anthropologie. We didn't have a lot of money we had been Secret Santa'd some cash and he insisted that that was what it was for. I was excited, aside from being able to buy something there I was just thrilled go. We can't afford the gas so I have to plan and wait for trips to the "big city"{you can scoff and poke fun at me calling it that} I knew I wanted to take the kids on the trax since that was our only way of getting around when we lived there exactly six years ago. I was excited to go back to the first Anthropologie I had ever been too, then there were the lights at Temple Square and the planetarium/ All of which were free except my purchase at Anthro. I love days like the one we spent as a family in Salt lake, exploring the world together. It is the best.

This what I bought, and I love it :)

Poor Jones was sick and although he grunted and groaned at his wife's ambitious plans to haul 3 kids around a busy city all day he did it. That pretty much sums up Jones for ya :)
We were at temple square right when the lights came on, it was kind of magical.

what have I done..

Today, without much thought I grabbed some scissors and cut off Alfy's long dark baby hair. I would say I am not sure why I did it but that is not true. His long hair, although adorable when parted to the side was more often stuck to his forehead with bogies and food. It was time, yet I was still sad to see it go. He is still a handsome kid though :) one down, two more overgrown crazies to go!

{you can't tell as much from the pics but he is actually quite the blondie now, how did that happen?! remember this?}

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Growing Up

My little brother, The Bob, just left my house. He is all grown up and living in his own apartment now, he even has his own job and everything. 
Naturally he came by to get a free hair cut and I sent him on his way with some herbal teas and banana bread.
Sure is fun to have him here. 
Since he is the youngest in our family it makes me feel all grown up.

Love ya kid, see ya around.
Yeah he pretty much still sleeps like this. :)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

House Hunting

Well here we are a whole year later and right back where we were January 2011, House hunting.
With 3 kids and over 16 moves in our marriage Jones and I are about at our limit with renting{understatement} and ready to start putting some roots down. We have been dealing with the stress of qualifying over the Christmas season and now we have found our true price point and are ready to find OUR home.
Wish us luck.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy Happy New Year

And Happy Birthday Jones.
We had a very French New Years. 

And spent the night with the best part about coming to Utah {besides family}
These Chumlies 
 And Kirbs and JC
 Kirbs was a pretty serious Frenchmen 

The lovely Eves, Alfy's wife to be. They make googly eyes at each other all day long.

Awesome people, delicious food great way to start the new year.

 And Jones { I love you forever and always} you are looking better and better every year. I have a feeling this one is going to be great.