
Saturday, May 26, 2012

Box spring makeover

Awhile back, melancholy smile pinned a tutorial on pinterest for making your box spring an actual bed frame by covering it in fabric and adding legs. I though it was a brilliant solution for our bed. When it come to bedrooms I generally hit a wall with decorating.

Slowly our room is getting better.

Very slowly

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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Super speedy guy

As you all know I have 3 pretty awesome kids, but what you may not know is that every now and then we have a visitor at our house.
His name is Super Speedy Guy

This is an original portrait taken by Super Speedy himself. Super speedy is fast. He comes from another planet that is even further than the black hole, but he is not an alien. He is a super hero. One time he was in our front yard and he ate some grass and dirt, but spit it out because it tasted weird. Since then C has taught him about food here on earth.

His eyes glow in the dark, like a tiger. Sometimes super speedy's mom and I don't quite see eye to eye, like the other day when I told C he couldn't ride his bike cause he was sick, I guess She let's S.Speedy do that kind of thing.

He is a spontaneous fellow, one minute I am talking to C and the next S.Speedy is there saying, "oh yeah that's what I was thinking"

I love to learn more about him, He is fun to have around and, I hope he stays awhile.

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Thursday, May 10, 2012

1960's birthday Party pictures ( a few months late)

First step was cutting me some mean Audrey bangs...

Since my camera broke I had to wait for pics from Jes. I am so glad she took pictures because it was a really fun night and one I wanted pictures of.

 We did fondue, jello molds, deviled eggs and of course a mocktail bar.

 Tober Cakes especially loved the mocktails. The kids weren't really at the party, they were upstairs with my Mom, but she would keep sneaking down for another sip.

 The lovely Laura brought another of her divine baked goods. This cake was chocolate heaven. I sprinkled it with our color theme, Black, Gold and Pearl.

 Trying to pull Audrey look. :)

So there you go. Great party with great people .

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Happy Birthday Alfred

Dear boy,
My most difficult labor :)

You are such a daddy's boy

You are just such a boy.

A growler, grunter, let me eat your face kind of boy.

You made our family even more awesome :) sometimes angrily you have put up with being a third child, but you adore your brother and sister. Just like your brother you didn't much like being an itty bitty baby, not being able to talk or move just made you angry. But now that you can yell Dadada all day long and crawl/walk to all those (scary) things you want to put in your mouth you are at least 50/50 happy :)

Such a handsome fella, I am lucky to have you on my arm. You wish I would take you outside more...sorry I will work on that.

You are so teen tiny, I can't believe you are a whole year old.

Dear boy you have pushed the limits of our ability to grow and love and made us a bigger stronger family.
We love you. Happy birthday.

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Saturday, May 5, 2012

Tober Cake

Tober hates the very idea of me napping. If I lay down on the couch while they are playing or watching a show she will come over to me and smack my head, pull my hair, cover my noise and mouth, and my least favorite try to rip my ear off, all while saying "no mommy, not nap time" Today she did all of those things and when they didn't work she walked away, Then she came back from her room with her pink blanky, laid it on top of me and stroked my hair. This is much more like her normal behavior.
She loves to be affectionate and sweet, always say "kiss me, kiss me!" when we put her down for bed. She waves and says hello to everybody, cars that drive by, people at the grocery store, you name it. She even pets you when you give her a hug, which if she has her way is quite often. Even while I am typing this she came up and said "please, hold me" and is now curled up in my arms.
But heaven forbid I close my eyes...:)
It was nice to enjoy it, just for a little.
We'll see what she does next time.