
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Adding sleeves

The other day at Target I saw this tank top. I am a sucker for metallic.

Tober was in need of a Sunday shirt anyway to wear with her skirts so I grabbed it! Usually I wouldn't mind that it is a tank top, but for church I wanted it to feel less casual. So I bought a size 5t with the intent of cutting it down a using the extra fabric to make sleeves.

When I brought it home, I turned it inside out and took a marker and ruler and drew a line about 1/2 inch in. *Later I went back and took it in another half inch under the arms.

Then I drew a line about 11/2- 2 inches on the bottom.
I cut the bottom off at the line and used a wide stitch to take in the sides, going right over the marker.

Next I took the bottom and cut it to separate the front and the back pieces. And then cut those pieces in half to creat 4 pieces.

Then I layered the two strips on to of each other, to create a sleeve and used a straight to sew them together. I sewed right over what use to be the hem stitch.

Flipping the shirt inside out I pinned it so that a finished edge lined up with the finished edge of the sleeve hole.

Then pin the top of the sleeve to the top of the sleeve hole

And the back, making sure the finish edges meet. I didn't take enough pictures of this next step, you want to gather the fabric of the sleeve between the pins so the it ruches some and the edges match up as much as possible.
Stitch together
Cut off excess fabric and ta da! Sleeves!

Tober cakes waving to the camera and posing :)
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Friday, June 15, 2012

Pink china cabinet

When my mom moved up here from Cali, I inherited this wonderful china cabinet from her. It is perfect for storing all my craft type items. Unfortunately it was this awful yellowish stain :/ so I painted it.

It was suppose to be a soft coral, instead it is somewhere between coral and hot pink. Jones loves it :)
Now to spruce it up with some amazing handles, only problem is the ones I love from Anthropologie

are a whopping $18 ea and I need 10 so that's not happening, time to go to Home Depot and Make it work. After all these are just $3.79

Hopefully I will find something to my liking
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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Girls Camp

I made it. Girls camp is officially over, and I survived a week with a bunch of strangers away from my family. It was actually wonderful. Once I got over the initial "I cant take a stroller there it's too steep" and the constant thinking I was forgetting someone, I was able to have really awesome interactions with the girls. I was amazed that despite the busy schedule I had a moment with each of them that touched me and made me feel that it was important that I was there.They made me want to be better and stronger and I have so much respect for the youth that I had the pleasure to be at Camp Mia Shalom with.

When I got home Jones was at work and the kids were at gramma's. So I walked into an empty home. It felt so good to be home and I teared up as I realized how much I missed my Family.I had hours alone so I showered, slept and just looked at my home, soaking it in. When I did finally see everyone it wasn't epic screaming or shouts of joy, but genuine smiles and long hugs followed by a happy glow that followed us back to our house(except C who wanted to stay at Gramma's)

Now that I am home it is buisness as usual. Cleaning and organizing house. Starting phase one of the south beach diet (trying to lose that last 10lbs before baby #4!!)getting ready for school to start next week, I had enrolled months ago but just decided yesterday that I am for sure going to do it. Hoping to spend the summer with extended family, feeling healthy and having fun. 

Friday, June 1, 2012

Ok, it's June

Today is Jones' day off so is tomorrow, and the next. In fact most of June he won't be working. His hours have been cut.
This is extremely awesome when it comes to working on his motorcycle, and playing with us. Not so good for the pocket book.
Trying not worry about that too much, though. Girls camp is next week and I am going. It will be weird to be away from my family for a week, that has never happened before. I am looking forward to the week after that, less responsibilities more playing in the yard with the kids. :)
Crossing my fingers that despite financial uncertainty all my summer dreams will come true.

The kids helped me paint this china cabinet I inherited from my mom. It is the holder of all my craft stuff.

Today I am sewing my own swimmy suit. Wish me luck.
Swimsuit patter found here

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