
Sunday, September 30, 2012


I spent a good part of this week falling apart. A Disappointing and frustrating situation with our previous landlord was the straw that broke the camels back. We were all so sick and miserable that it didn't seem like anything stood between me and sobbing.
Tober had been complaining about her eye since Monday and on Friday she woke up looking like this.

It just kept breaking my heart to see my kids as sick as I was and be equally as useless to help them as I was to help my myself. With or without insurance there seemed no way to make our situation better. With Jones and my mom gone(she is in CA for 2 weeks) the house just fell apart around us. Yesterday despite still being miserably sick, I put every ounce of will power I has into getting our house clean, disinfected, and sick free.

My body fought back giving me fits of coughing, fever and nausea, but by the end of the day I had made great progress. I put the kids to bed with gatorade, eye drops, Tylenol and a humidifier. I felt better, not physically, but spiritually.
Today I woke up determined to pick up where I left off. Fed the kids breakfast and then bathed them all while I disinfected their blankies and bedroom. I did 3 loads of laundry before 10am. Alfred cried the whole time. I didn't I kept myself together. Hugged him, told him I was sorry and put him down for a nap. Then I took a turn for the worse so I tried to sleep as well. That didn't work, Alfred just kept crying. It made me mad. I gave up on my nap and went to sit in the couch so that I wouldn't be tempted to sleep. Soon all my babies were sitting on/ around me. Alfred stopped crying.
I guess they need me, as useless and broken as I am.
Hopefully things will be better.
I am so grateful for all the family that called and gave their support. I know a lot of people care and we appreciate that so much.

I am also grateful for my kids who have been sick for weeks just like me, and although they have mini melt downs, they are loving and sweet, and even helpful.

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Thursday, September 27, 2012

What do you do when all you want to do is punch someone in the face?

My old landlord is still haunting my existence with her Stupidity {to put it mildly} and now I am trying t salvage my day and my spirits. We are all sick, still and very temperamental. There is a lot of crying from everyone and I am just trying to survive the day.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Yesterday we took Jones to be taken away by the Army for 3 whole months. It was a long and wonderful day. We had a quick summer and fall somehow crept up on me. I was lucky and blessed so much that a lot of the things I wanted to happen over the summer did. One of those things being family pics. I lucked out when a good family friend came into town for a family reunion and was able to come spend the day, eat treats and snap some good pics of our little family.

Did I say little? How 'bout 1 more!!
Yes, another blessing this summer brought was another sweet baby to our family, coming spring next year. We are so happy and feel so blessed. Our children are slowly taking over every inch of our hearts. 
And yes I am bias but seriously....

Can they get any cuter??

I was crazy sick right before these pics were taken, I was lucky the kids were dressed at all! but hair cuts did not happen.

Allowing for pictures like this that make me feel like C looks like he is 16 years old. What the?!? back up a bit ok!

I was proud of all the things that I made that naturally made their way into the pictures unintentionally just because they are well used and loved items, like Alfy's blankie.

Tober shocked me with her posing and serious face, again what are you 13!! knock it off!?!

We kept trying to get her to loosen up and give us a smile, instead she turned to the side and gave us a nice over the shoulder :)

not too old for kisses though :)

and there's that smile!!

Jones sold his bike before he left so I am glad we got to get some shots with it. Good memories.

We were lucky enough that we took photos on a Sunday which meant empty parking lot behind buildings where we could take photos alone with a beautiful back drop and space to do some figure eights.

My goofs

                                                                         Tober says Wut!

Can you believe this is us just last year? and this time next year we will have changed a lot too.

So much to look forward to this year. Fall is sweeping in and I am going to embrace all the new in my life right now, be thankful for all that I have, which is a whole heck of a lot. :)

Monday, September 10, 2012

One week

One week 'til Jones heads to Texas for training. These plans we made months and months ago are finally starting to happen. There are a lot of things I am looking forward to over the next few months and it is hard/weird
to imagine he won't be there. I am so excited for him, and our family though and that part has to be what I hold on to. My Tobercakes has reacted pretty strongly to this move. Although she likes being at Grandma's, there are times when she wants to go "home" and then she often will say, to herself mostly, "home is all empty"and tear up. Last night we were playing just dance on the wii and she says, "this is our just dance, we need to take it home, we don't leave it here right.?!" in her, I am smiling so I don't cry, desperate voice.

Alfy is just becoming a handful! He is growing and growing in personality every day. He has found his voice and isn't afraid to use it. I think e s going to be my biggest challenge while Jones is away :)

We don't have any major plans for this week, our car isn't working, we have no money...but that won't stop us from enjoying time as a family together.

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Monday, September 3, 2012

Colt and Pip are on their way!! So excited for them.They left yesterday morning after a delay thanks to being crazy sick! Lucky for me I am sick today! Ugh, moving as little as possible and relying on my sweet husband.

Here's to feeling better, soon!

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