
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

a little bit longer

only a little more than a month til Everest is due. It is exciting and I am still putting together odds and ends to be ready. I found out that I am anemic, which probably explains why I have been so fatigued lately. Hopefully extra iron intake and I will be feeling better in no time. Being so tired has made me more of a shopper than I should be when it comes to gathering clothing items and such for baby. I have loads of fabric and tutorials to follow, but going to target seems so much easier...not on the pocket book. Today finally I worked up the energy after seeing a pin Lil mo hAha pinned, to make these shoes

Tutorial found here

Using scraps I made the tiniest version I could to hopefully fit a newborn but seriously I want more in every size!!

The bottoms are blue corduroy too, and I just love them :)

To finish off my quick sewing spontaneity I grabbed a sweater that has been hanging in my closet for 3 yrs and I have probably worn 3 times. I knew I wanted to make little leggings with them so I did, which took all of 5 min.

when I find more energy perhaps more of this will happen, but as it is I barely feel like making meals, and on that note, it's dinner time.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Friday, February 8, 2013


This week has been a slow one. We were sick over the weekend and although I am feeling better it is lingering still. We celebrated my birthday at home. Jones cooked dinner, did the dishes and made the most amazing Tiramisu cheesecake (which I continued to eat every meal after until it was gone)
I am trying to get some motivation to do more than lay around, but my attempts are in vain :)
I watched the entire series of Downton Abbey in less than a week, that's how bad it's been. Major prego couch potato.
Jones' bought a little ancient british car, we call Oliver. It is super cool and super rusty. He is busy this weekend with the Blacksmithing class I got him for Christmas but next weekend we are making the trip to a shop that specializes in working on the type of car he bought. I am really excited, it is fun to see him rewarded for his hard work. He has carried us through some hard times and is often the last one to buy the things he needs, let alone wants.
Life feels good, we are preparing for little Everest, and adjusting to the change of pace that the last trimester/ baby brings.

So glad it is Friday, it is rainy and I am ready for another lazy weekend, now I just need to find something new to watch :)
Suggestions welcome.