
Saturday, October 19, 2013

Apple picking

We left this morning and headed out to farm. The idea of making carmel apples and Hot cider was sticking in our minds.
We stopped to pick up some cheese bagels for breakfast. As I was waiting in the car with the kids, Tober exclaims, "I need to throw up" and before I can help her, she does just that. ALL OVER HERSELF.
luckily we had enough supplies in the car to clean it up, re-dress her and decided to still head out.

It was such a beautiful day, just barely 60 degrees, we ate apple fritters, played in a maze and brought home some tasty apples.

Daddy and his mini me

This is my favorite time of year. :)

Friday, October 18, 2013


This year is zoomin by so fast, I can't keep up.
I am gonna try and slowly add some updates.
While Pip was here she helped me design my half bath. It is still in progress but I look forward to being able to show it off soon.

Been working on Halloween costumes. The baby boys are going to be minions. This issimply because Alfred is so cute when he says "BE-DO" and it is an easy costume. C and Tobercakes decided that they wanted to be Sonic and Amy the hedgehog and I decided I wanted to let them :)

I had no idea who Amy the hedgehog was and was pleasantly surprised when I found out.
Here she is in progress
 And me with crazy hair, I haven't been feeling very well...migraines and yeah crazy hair.

Very very excited about the upcoming holiday season and slowly making our house feel festive.

Well times up, gotta put kids to bed!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Lord provides a way

I have had such a great time these last two months. Colt and Pip's family have been in town, and I love having my kids really get to know their cousins. This time spent with them has really been priceless. It's strange as its coming to an end that suddenly I am looking forward in time more than just "so what do you want to this weekend?" Halloween is just around the corner and then all the other holidays.
I find myself thinking about furthering my education in fashion and how to approach that. I am thinking about the many Sisters in my church that I have felt prompted to find ways to serve and be there for and wonder how I can when I feel so tired everyday.
I feel like My physical resources are always on the verge of being completely used up and I don't have the mental capacity to keep them from spilling over, and yet my spirit testifies to me that with the Lord on my side I have unlimited resources and unlimited strength with which to serve.
Anyway, I really want to take this week and think about my goals for the end of the year and try to figure out how I can accomplish those things that I want to.

I am really going to miss having family around but I know the Lord has a plan for us here in Maryland and I know we are where we are meant to be.