Tuesday, August 13, 2013

a crazy whirlwind

The last month has been pretty crazy around here. I spent most of June missing family and saving money for our vacation since Jones had taken 3 weeks of the leave. Right before we left for a fun week in Kentucky with the Childress family we checked our bank account and our pay check had been messed up. We knew it was a bummer but we had saved so we could still go, and would just have to work it out when we got home.
Kentucky was awesome. We visited with good friends we had met in while living in Provo. They were visiting their parents for the summer and we were lucky enough to join them for a week. While we were there we took family photos which I will add on another post because...
When we came home from our 6 day vacation we still had 2 weeks left of leave. The night we got home it was the middle of the night and we walked in the door and went straight to bed. The house smelt gross and mildew-y but I was too tired to explore and find the source. The next morning Tober woke me up and asked why there were fuzzies on our floor. HuH? I went downstairs to find this.

a layer of mold on everything.

We then spent the next three weeks living in temporary housing dealing with military housing and eventually moving into a new house. It was horrible and exhausting and I am so glad it is over.
On the bright side I was amazed by the support the members of the church gave us. Bringing meals, watching kids and helping with the process of removing everything we owned and cleaning it of the mold. I felt so blessed despite the disaster, and will never forget the example these people were to me of love and service.


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