As you all know I have 3 pretty awesome kids, but what you may not know is that every now and then we have a visitor at our house.
His name is Super Speedy Guy

This is an original portrait taken by Super Speedy himself. Super speedy is fast. He comes from another planet that is even further than the black hole, but he is not an alien. He is a super hero. One time he was in our front yard and he ate some grass and dirt, but spit it out because it tasted weird. Since then C has taught him about food here on earth.

His eyes glow in the dark, like a tiger. Sometimes super speedy's mom and I don't quite see eye to eye, like the other day when I told C he couldn't ride his bike cause he was sick, I guess She let's S.Speedy do that kind of thing.
He is a spontaneous fellow, one minute I am talking to C and the next S.Speedy is there saying, "oh yeah that's what I was thinking"
I love to learn more about him, He is fun to have around and, I hope he stays awhile.

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