Sunday, May 3, 2009

Dream Car

I would want it in sliver, but this is there she is. When I dream about Jones having better more permanent work, this is at the forefront of my thoughts. I am weird I know.


merelyLooking said...

Zoom, zoom! How many people does it hold?

M for Amazing and I are contemplating trading the Saab for an older mini-van. I know it will make all the boys grown, but I have this strong desire to be able to get together more often and a van could haul all the Washitonian H's to Ca for a lot cheaper than six plane tickets!

Crys said...

Amen, yeah this car holds seven and that is exactly why I want it, it is one of the smallest, big cars there is, and the gas mileage isn't bad. It is pretty spendy though.