Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter around the corner, so is the Army

With Easter almost here I am finishing up some crafts, like a few ties

And getting our looks together for a fabulous family Easter pic.
Jes was Darling enough to put my hair in pin curls last night so we are gonna test that out out.

Have I mentioned that Jes and Kirbs are bosom buds and are moving in 2 weeks! I think I might actually cry. This town just won't be the same.

In other BIG news, Jones has transferred from the national guard to the army! We are excited for this opportunity for him to work more head on with the military. This was an easy decision for me and I felt safe and comfortable with him perusing this course of action but honestly do not want to move! So I was pleasantly surprised yesterday when he came home and told me that the wouldn't be sending him to training til September, and it will be the new year before we move to Maryland(!) where we will be stationed, so until then C will still play baseball in June and start school in the fall. I can keep playing volleyball on tuesdays :) and I don't have to worry that that wall mount for the tv I just put up was a waste of time. But I can look forward to our life in the army and be excited for husband to work as a linguist, and become one step closer to becoming Jack Ryan :)

Now off to dye eggs and clean house, happy weekend all

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

The Starter House said...

So where is the fabulous Easter pic? I'm waiting:)