Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Mani and TheSpanishLady New Year's Eve outfit.

 This year I had the pleasure of meeting a wonderful young lady, who impressed me so much I asked her to be my muse for a New Year's Eve outfit

Being inspired by her was pretty easy. Aside from the fact that she is gorgeous, She is simply an amazing person. 
The first time I met her was when she volunteered to watch my babes for me while we moved out of our moldy house, for free. Then she watched them again for no pay so that Jones and I could go out on a date. 

The next few times she caught my attention at church as she commented in discussions.
She was smart and had a power and spirit about her.

She has a light, that shines from her to all those around her.
She is a woman of divine nature and individual worth, 
and I wanted to make her something that reflected that.

In a world where the morality and value of women seems lost, She gives me hope. 
A true beauty through and through.

I am glad to have met you. Now go conquer the world!

Shout out to your awesome Mom. I made the Clothes, but she made you. This was a team effort ;)


snapie said...

This post made me all teary eyed. Thank you for being a great example for my daughter. You blessed her and our life just knowing you. The outfit and experience hanging out will be a beautiful memory all her life. <3 Elke

MelancholySmile said...

My goal this year is to soak in the beauty, diversity, strength and divinity of real women. I find that it's a healing antidote to the objectifying effects of media. I love that you do this! (Also, I am blown away by your sewing/design skills. That open back is ah-May-zing!!)

Jill said...

Love, love, love! thank you, crys! thank you e.m. and a.m. - you're amazing - so blessed to know all three of you and peek at a mini celebration of a noble life well lived!