Sunday, November 6, 2011

My little ones have the snifflies we decided to stay home from church. 
Using our extra hour as a blessing sleeping in late and eating a big breakfast together.
{yes I am wearing footie pajamas}

We went out in the {melting} snow for a little bit, but not too long cause I don't want us to get sick{er} 

Trying to make today a Reverent day so I am going to make a Thanksgiving tree. 
Want to make one with me? 
I went outside and gathered some branches, which I am going to paint but you don't have to.
I am going hot glue them together wrap them in twine and put them in a vase.
Later, together as a family we are going to cut out leaves from card stock and write down the things we are grateful for and hang them on the branches.
As the month goes by I am going to think about those things, write a few more, and make an effort to appreciate them and keep them in my Heart.

Hooray for another Jones and TheSpanishLady family tradition.

Almost finished product

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