Friday, January 7, 2011

Our house...Maybe

S-bug the magnificent performing an inspection on a home We are in the process of maybe buying.*
The new year brought this family a big surprise, something I didn't see coming, the possibility of buying a home. It has been quite the experience, mostly filled with excitement but there is also the unavoidable stress that comes with making decisions this big.
I love the little house.
It is awesome.
I want it.
All I need to figure out now is if it is the right thing for us right now, and then be willing to make a move like this...

In case you are wondering this does mean I will be completing finals, moving and having a baby within a month of each other. Yeah, cause thats how I roll, apparently.
I am nervous,
but mostly excited.


In the life of Nikki and Gary said...

Oh my gosh! YAY!!!! Buying a house was the best most horrible experience ever. Best in the fact that it is just so wonderful to be HOME. Awful in the ups and downs and stress that comes along. But it's worth it for sure!
I work in mortgage lending so if you have any questions just ask :) Yay!!!

The Starter House said...

i love that nikki reads your blog! she's a buddy from jr. high!!! i love that you'll have a house! hopefully! and i love that sbug made the blog. he's so hot. can't wait to come home!

MelancholySmile said...

How awesome! And I think buying a home is kinda like having kids: if you wait for the 'perfect' time, it'll never happen, so might as well do it anyway. Of course, like kids, it's wonderful and stressful all at the same time. Naturally, you'll literally be doing both AT THE SAME TIME. Geez, overachiever. :)