Today was the saturday session of general conference and since we don't have tv I just streamed it on my iPad and carried it with me around the house. C listened with me for a few minutes before he opened the window and said 'there, now I can listen to it outside( right?)" so I let him, during the second half however, he had been outside long enough he wanted to be and he just kept complaining and asking when it would be over, you know that thing kids do when theyn are bored so obviously the solution is to stand by the dishwasher and just throw out a whine now and then and you think 'your'e a kid! Go play! And sop whinin about it!' instead I would simply say it will be over in a little while, and told him I was listening to the prophets and apostles. At this point I was sitting at the dining room table sewing, so he came over, and with a box of cheez-its sat, in my same chair and listened. He commented on their accents, their lack of hair, would say did you here that mommy, whenever he heard something he thought was interesting. It was a sweet moment, and I am so glad I didn't give in to his complaining and let him watch tv or something.
To top the day off we spent the evening riding bikes with the kids, it is so fun to have a set up that allows us to ride all together.
Today I feel happy and healthy. :)
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Saturday, March 31, 2012
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Living outside
A few weeks ago Jones, C and I were playing outside, goofing off and being silly, then jones ran in the house and declared that we would have to live outside forever. C being C, quickly began tearing up desperately pleading that he didn't want to live outside forever. He takes that stuff very seriously, so I had to calm him down, still locked out of the house :) , I grabbed pillows from our patio furniture and a blanket from the car and laid down by a tree. Eventually he calmed down, and began telling me about all the birds we could shoot and eat, and sincerely telling me we were gonna need a gun. Then that was all he would mention for days anytime he saw a bird 'we should get a gun so I can shoot it' :)
He is a clever boy, and fun to play with, you just often have to show him that it's ok and that there is always a solution to every situation, even if that solution is just a positive attitude.
I am so glad we are able to start playing outside more, there are good memories to be had out there.

Jones came home from work with water balloons and squirt guns. I live it when he does that kind of thing :)

{I got tober's swimsuit on sale for $5 at oldnavy :) good buy }
He is a clever boy, and fun to play with, you just often have to show him that it's ok and that there is always a solution to every situation, even if that solution is just a positive attitude.
I am so glad we are able to start playing outside more, there are good memories to be had out there.

Jones came home from work with water balloons and squirt guns. I live it when he does that kind of thing :)

{I got tober's swimsuit on sale for $5 at oldnavy :) good buy }
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Do you remember life before you had kids?got married? Cause sometimes it's hard for me to remember things, or who I was then, other times I don't want to remember ( teenage years are not my proudest)
I was flipping through hAha's photos on the Facebook and came across a pic of me and Jones that proves I had curly hair at one point! {and highlights in my hair from dying it in London!}

Somehow having children has sucked all the curl from my hair. I don't necessarily mind, I always had a love hate relationship with the curls anyways. It makes me look at this picture though and think despite the things I didn't like about myself I can look back now and appreciate that girl.
instead of feeling awkward or embarrassed by her I simply smile and take it as a lesson to remember the good things instead of holding on/ trying to run from the bad. Slowly but surely learning to love myself and not be so afraid.

Photos from hAha n Sbugs reception Feb 2006
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I was flipping through hAha's photos on the Facebook and came across a pic of me and Jones that proves I had curly hair at one point! {and highlights in my hair from dying it in London!}

Somehow having children has sucked all the curl from my hair. I don't necessarily mind, I always had a love hate relationship with the curls anyways. It makes me look at this picture though and think despite the things I didn't like about myself I can look back now and appreciate that girl.
instead of feeling awkward or embarrassed by her I simply smile and take it as a lesson to remember the good things instead of holding on/ trying to run from the bad. Slowly but surely learning to love myself and not be so afraid.

Photos from hAha n Sbugs reception Feb 2006
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Saturday, March 24, 2012
Spring is here this week
This week the weather has warmed up to about 70 degrees, which is perfect to me. Sun shining in opening the windows, it is motivating and encouraging to get things done and feel happy and healthy. There has been a lot of listening to music and dancing around the house and outside with kids barefoot and fancy free. On my playlist has been: Dia Frampton, She & him, Fleet foxes, Adele, Cold play, and Taylor Swifts new song Safe and sound.

Thursday night Jones and I got to go to The Hunger Games opening night, we got there around 8:30, for the 12:35 showing, Jones being the crazy person he is decides that he and my little brother should go grab a sofa he saw sitting in front of JCP,

so they do and get to sit on it for a good 30 minutes before they have to put it back. We were lucky because even though we were one of the last shows of the night we got seated pretty early and spent the night playing hangman and talking wedding plans with Kelly's roommates that are engaged. The show was fun, no amazing review from me, but I do want to see it again and I am glad we went.

I am actually {slowly but surely} decorating for Easters, starting an egg banner, tulips, purple ribbon, and window marker drawings. C and Tober went nuts with the window markers, and after being allowed a few child mess up free drawings I let them have their way with the windows.

I keep having to stop myself from washing the windows, and just let them be a mess, embracing my phase of life which is goobered clothes windows and furniture most of the time. { just keep telling yourself it's ok and enjoy the day!}

Fun surprise, we have tulips in our front, yard!!! Yay! I was hoping there would be flowers there.

Everything around me feels fresh and springy, even my iPad cover which was supposed to be a darker blue accidentally got ordered as a lime green. I figured I would return it for the one I wanted but once it was here I really liked the pop of color it was! Happy surprise :)

Tomorrow is Jes' birthday and with the premiere of Mad Men we are having a little 60's party, should be good fun.
Happy weekend all!

Thursday night Jones and I got to go to The Hunger Games opening night, we got there around 8:30, for the 12:35 showing, Jones being the crazy person he is decides that he and my little brother should go grab a sofa he saw sitting in front of JCP,

so they do and get to sit on it for a good 30 minutes before they have to put it back. We were lucky because even though we were one of the last shows of the night we got seated pretty early and spent the night playing hangman and talking wedding plans with Kelly's roommates that are engaged. The show was fun, no amazing review from me, but I do want to see it again and I am glad we went.

I am actually {slowly but surely} decorating for Easters, starting an egg banner, tulips, purple ribbon, and window marker drawings. C and Tober went nuts with the window markers, and after being allowed a few child mess up free drawings I let them have their way with the windows.

I keep having to stop myself from washing the windows, and just let them be a mess, embracing my phase of life which is goobered clothes windows and furniture most of the time. { just keep telling yourself it's ok and enjoy the day!}

Fun surprise, we have tulips in our front, yard!!! Yay! I was hoping there would be flowers there.

Everything around me feels fresh and springy, even my iPad cover which was supposed to be a darker blue accidentally got ordered as a lime green. I figured I would return it for the one I wanted but once it was here I really liked the pop of color it was! Happy surprise :)

Tomorrow is Jes' birthday and with the premiere of Mad Men we are having a little 60's party, should be good fun.
Happy weekend all!
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Alfy in his high chair
I love the way kids act when they are in their high chair, at least when they want to be. It is their domain. Today I gave Alfred a rare treat, a chocolate chip cookie, I watched as he raised it in the air in front of him and babbled on as if to say, this is my cookie ha ha and I am going to eat it! Ah bwabwa bwa...
And then slowly began nibbling it drooling and squealing in excitement. I will let him play and get messy til he no longer resembles a person, then it is bath time :)

I sure love this little boy.
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And then slowly began nibbling it drooling and squealing in excitement. I will let him play and get messy til he no longer resembles a person, then it is bath time :)

I sure love this little boy.
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Monday, March 19, 2012
Sometimes, a happy hypocrite
Although I curse why forever21 can offer such cheap current fashion, sometimes even a poor girl needs a shopping spree. Thank heavens for $1.50 necklaces and earrings, what can I say, I am only human :)

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- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Relaxing Sunday
We are taking Full advantage of our day of rest, we woke up slowly and spent all morning getting ready for church. Jones helped me cut some Audrey Hepburn inspired bangs,
then it was off to church which was great and rejuvenating. When we got home we had a crockpot of corned beef, carrots,taters and cabbage waiting for us, and babies ready for naps. C and I watched a movie while the babies and daddy slept. Now Tober is eating ice cream after successfully eating dinner, C is watching The Adventures of tin tin cartoon, and Alfy is practicing his walking. I am still playing with my new iPad, trying to get it figured out. Soon I will go wake up Jones so that we can all be together as a family before our week starts again! Not a bad day :)
then it was off to church which was great and rejuvenating. When we got home we had a crockpot of corned beef, carrots,taters and cabbage waiting for us, and babies ready for naps. C and I watched a movie while the babies and daddy slept. Now Tober is eating ice cream after successfully eating dinner, C is watching The Adventures of tin tin cartoon, and Alfy is practicing his walking. I am still playing with my new iPad, trying to get it figured out. Soon I will go wake up Jones so that we can all be together as a family before our week starts again! Not a bad day :)
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Busy week/weekend
My weekend has been filled with phone calls, errands, hanging out with friends, party planning, and breaking in my new iPad. Jones and I have gotten rid of our cell phones and replaced them with an iPad and iPod touch. Less monthly bills+fun new toys= :)jones is busy up in SLC finishing up a refresher course for his EMT certification. We have missed him the last couple of days and can't wait to get back to our normal routine. I have laundry to fold and a baby shower to get ready for, so more blogging later...
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Prayers for Pat
My dear SIL Peepsta's mom and her family are in my prayers. She is an amazing mom and example of taking care of others, and She is going through some scary health stuff right now.
I know that Heavenly Father loves her and hears our prayers for her.
I know that if I ask him, he will look after her and take care of Pip and all her family.
So tonight i'll pray for Pat and hope she feels the love of all those who are praying for her.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Hanging out. Part 3 of Trip
After the Oscar Part we spent the next 2 days doing whatever we wanted.
This meant a lot of tasty food, such as chicken curry, Thai spring rolls, left over crepes and candied bacon, donuts and more.
In the mornings Jones and Melancholy went on long runs and I happily hung out with the kiddos.
I loved spending time with my niece and nephews!
The beautiful March Arizona weather made playing outside perfect and my kids spent most of the trip playing with the chickens.
I had a World Market coupon I was excited to use (we don't have one by us) so the girls took me out. I was able to get some fun dishes, and other goodies. Little Miss C picked up some tea while we were out and made us tea and biscuits when we got home, super tasty! with raspberry jam.
The first night we were there we played a round of Settlers of Catan, a game J+melancholy introduced to us and now it had been so long since they had played we had to remind them how it works.
The next morning while the other adults were getting their run on, Little miss C and I made donuts. Hanging out with her was on of my favorite parts of the trip. We talked about how we both loved making sweets, and opening our own shop called CC's. we would sell donut shaped rice crispie treats with frosting and spinkles, and a dozen other treats.
E was so much older than I imagine in my head and I loved talking with him about his stuff, reading his book, his frustration wit L and so on. L is the sweetest thing, very willing to let you hug him :), and he and C were pretty inseparable while we were there.
Then there was this little guy who gave me tons of smiles behind the safety of his binky, so long as I never stood between him and his mommy.
Our last night we gout ourselves a sitter and went out, like real adults!!
We ate at Grimaldi's, a tasty New York pizza place, and after we were sufficiently stuffed we walked over to Frost, a gelato place, I am bummed I didn't get a pic cause the place was pretty cool looking. I had the Tiramisu Gelato and it was awesome!!
We headed home reluctant to go to bed knowing that it was our last night and in the morning we would start our long trip home...
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Oscar party, Part 2 of trip
After a nice short trip Sunday morning we arrived at j+melancholysmile's at about 3 just in time for them to get home from church, and us to start prepping for the Oscar party!
I already knew Melancholy was one of the most fabulous women I know and still I was amazed by how quickly She put together this party. With 2 days notice that we were coming, and 3 hours before guests arrived, we still had crepes, bacon wrapped steaks, caviar on toast, oysters rocker fella (sp?) candied bacon and mocktails galore!
Bow tie napkins on the table and still time to get dressed in 20's attire.
I can tell you right now I didn't win. :)
Little Miss C and her Shirley temples.

The host couple and the dominator of The Oscars 2012, Melancholy got 20/24 right.

Me ignoring my low score of 7 out of 24, drowning my sorrow in more candied bacon and hanging out on the couch with this cutie. She was such fun to be around.
Laughing at E watching the oscars from the table with C's binoculars
I wish I had more pics of the night, but alas you will have to wait for Melancholy to do her post, I really should get a new lens for my camera already! too bad they are so spendy. Oh well,
anyways up next 2 days relaxing in the warm sunny {and windy} Arizona with the most Adorable people...
Friday, March 2, 2012
Busy day, part 2 coming!
Part 2 of our trip is still on it's way, but my Friday is filled with appointments and errands, and potty training October.
Taking in the little moments to enjoy being home, and celebrating Daniel Craig's birthday of course. :)
Happy March.
I guess 30 rock was right real life is for March.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
A Drive part 1
On Thursday morning Jones and I had the thought that it would be fun to go and visit his sister, MelancholySmile in AZ, and so we did. :)
It helped that we had just gotten our tax return, making our crazy idea a possibility.
It took a little working out but Saturday after Jones got off work we hit the road.

We were prepared for a slow easy going trip, playing everything by ear, and rolling with the punches.
We listened to books on tape and stopped at plenty of Mcdonald's to hijack internet and let the kids run around. By 10:30 pm we had made it to route 66 and decided to stay the night somewhere and start fresh in the morning. We got a comfy hotel cause there was no point in stopping if we couldn't sleep comfortably.

The kids were so tired they didn't even wake up when we brought them to the room.
The next morning we woke up, showered and headed down for breakfast refreshed, excited and happy, except for Alfred who was just hungry.

Good thing there was a lot of food!
I made us a cinnamon waffle with strawberries and whipped cream, grabbed some sausage, eggs and cranapple juice.
Alfred was pretty happy with that. Eggs are his favorite.

The only seats available were at the bar tables and Alfred and I couldn't sit there so Tober and C got to be big kids at the adult table.

Jones, who is normally a crabby traveler {love ya babe but it's true :)}was pretty awesome. We joked and laughed and kept on the same page the whole way making the trip so pleasant.
First leg of the journey full success!!
Next, the Oscar Party...
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