Monday, October 18, 2010

Disney at the Park

 This January my sister introduced me to a blog called RufflesandStuff because we were both learning to sew and Craft and this blog had caught her attention. It not only caught my attention but won over my heart. Disney {the blog owner} was a creative genius and as sweet and wonderful as can be. Her crafts made me push my creative side leading me to where I am now. Through reading her Blog and writing letters back and forth I have found her to be an incredibly genuine and caring person.
Although we both live in the great state of WA we don't live close but Disney happened to be near my Husbands work this week and were able to meet in person! You could call it a crafter gathering but it was more like a bunch of Mom's enjoying their kids at the park. It was awesome. Although I am Mrs. Awkward when it comes to things like this what made it easy is that She is the same person you get on the blog. I felt like we were just old friends meeting up and saying hi and I would love to do it again sometime.

 Her darling Paige pushing October.

Afterwards we met with Jones at his work for Lunch it was a really great day.
Beautiful weather and Awesome people.


Disney said...

I'm so glad you enjoyed our visit! I was so excited to meet in person. And you seemed just the same as on your blog too! I'm already looking forward to next time! :O)

Dorian said...

Found you over at my fave blog ever...Disney's blog!
You've got a tres cute blog...I'm a "spanish lady" too, so I feel a kinship! I also LOVE your blog name.
Would love if you visited mine...not a cute a name, but I'm kinna proud of it!

julia said...

thats so cool I love Disney's blog I liver is Wa too :) thanks for sharing