Saturday, October 16, 2010


In my relationship with my husband we have spent a lot of time apart because of his work. Various lengths of time and for various reasons and everytime it has been hard and everytime I have been surpirised with my ability to go it alone. I thought that with time our being apart would become easier, not because I loved him less, but beacause we were older, "maturer". I have found the opposite to be be true. I see him less now that we have 2 {and 1/2} kids and stable consistant workinghours. The time we have together has become more precious than ever. Therefore taking it away hurts more.I hope that nobody reading the last Post got the impression that I resented my Jones for going hunting. I love that he actually gets a chance to do something for him. Over the last few years I have seen some of his passion and fire for life dimming and Him getting a chance to do this type of thing brings that back.

Over the last month I have seen my husband so little that I actually go to bed wanting to write him a letter, even though He is lying right beside me. This made me think of when He was in basic training and all the letters we wrote to each other and kept, so last night at 11, just after the kids finally went to bed I went downstairs and pulled out the letters. They reminded me of who We are. That we love each other and always have. I read a lot of things that reminded me that Jones has always been proud of me, which may sound like a small thing but it means the world. Our relationship is based on unconditional love and faith. Remembering these things brought my life into perspective again. I may be miserable right now, but that is my trial. Pregnancy always has been. But my blessing far out way my cons. I am so grateful for My husband. I am also grateful I am pregnant. I will also be grateful when Jones gets back tonight and We can eat the roast I am making together as a Family.

 "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. "

John 14:27

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