Sunday, April 24, 2011

I know He Lives

Last year I had the blessing of teaching the 6 year olds at church. This meant I got to sit through singing time every Sunday and listen to children 8 and under sing the words to the song "I know that my Saviour loves me"
It is a beautiful song, but my favorite part was when they got to the chorus.

"I know He lives.
I will follow faithfully,
My heart I give to him,
I know that my Saviour loves me."

Such simple words, yet sung with such power and conviction. 
It would make me emotional, which I could just blame on the pregnancy, 
or more realistically on the fact that I do know that my Saviour loves me. 
I know that He sacrificed everything for me that I might have hope and joy and life.

I know he lives, that he "grants me daily breath..that I shall conquer death."

My heart I give to him, because I know that my Saviour loves me.

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