Tuesday, March 9, 2010


So being a DIY seamstress can be difficult. I am learning by making a lot of mistakes which can lead to a feeling of failure. Still I have to admit I am doing pretty good for not knowing what on earth I am doing! today I am trying to figure out how to stop fraying. My problem, or situation I should say, is that I dont have tons of money to spend on crafts, and although it may be cheaper to make things than buy them once you are set with the tools, upfront the cost can seem daunting and make you want to just go to Target and buy the thing you have spent days and lots of money trying to replicate! However nothing can beat that feeling of successfully making something you cant buy somewhere else. Something tailor made for you. That is why I am doing this, that and the fact that I love it. So with coupons in my hands, and an internet found list of must haves, I am off to Joann's.


Carrie said...

Hmmm. Can't help you much with the fraying...all I really know about is FrayCheck and I haven't used it a ton. Ask at Joann's. I'm sure a lovely lady there could tell you. Way to go with all the DIY-ing. I'm definitely a fan as well.

merelyLooking said...

Do you stay stitch? That's when you run a medium-long stitch all the way around each piece of the pattern before you begin sewing it. When you sew the pattern together the stay stitching should not show - it should be on the inside. The theory is that all fraying will stop at the stitching. One thing you need to be aware of is that when you sew curves you need to clip the fabric every half inch just to the stay stiching (not thru!) and that helps the fabric bend around the curve without tearing.

Maybe you know all this....