{Photos by hAha}
Today we are getting up close..
And personal with how I feel about my postpartum body.
I got my stretch marks when I was pregnant with C, I tried the lotions but nothing helped. After He was born, and I looked down at my literally shredded stomach I felt a sort of pride for them and what I had just been through.
I call them my Tiger stripes.
They are soft and opalescent.
They are not the only thing that is soft.
I laugh because my belly button is a good 3 inches higher than it use to be.
Over the last five years I have been pregnant or nursing for over four of them.
I have been through five sizes of clothing {and bras!}, and in very different stages of physical fitness.
This body, in comparison to where it was 3 weeks ago, is great.
It can eat without heartburn, go half a day with out having to pee, walk without pain, and many other wonderful things,
But this body doesn't quite feel like me.
You would think since this is my third time doing this I would have it figured out but I am still learning.
I am learning things like how to dress this body.
How to share my body with the whole family, and still feel like it's mine!
I am learning to be ok with the pudge and that I can be sexy and beautiful in my own way.
This body is not my body. This is me healing.
And it will heal, mostly, leaving a little that will never really go away. Something to remember the experience by, but it will be strong again.
I will be me again.
Until then I will just find a way to remember to celebrate this body, and all that it has done, bringing me my little ones. This is a sacrifice I am willing to make so that I can have my family.
I am living my dream :)