Tuesday, May 25, 2010

And They Were all Yellow

Pho-toes by hAha

skirt by TheSpanishlady

This is one of my latest items of clothing, brought to life by the fabulous photography of my sista in law hAha, {one day over due with her baby}, she is such a doll, coming over and taking pics with me, I was kind of being goofy so most of them I am making this face. It was still fun though, and always will be ;)

And I just had to add these 2 cause Tober is just too cute, {MOm tell me she doesn't remind you of the pixie shtick!}
P.s. I just realized that I was listening to Coldplay when I made this skirt. Makes the title of this post even more appropriate.

1 comment:

Ms Muffin said...

Cute pictures! Both of you! :-)